Longarm Quilting at My Quilting Loft
Contact Kristi@myquiltingloft.com or come by the shop to ask about longarming services. For overall freemotion quilting or edge to edge computer guided quilting our price is 2 cents per square inch. (i.e. 60" x 70" quilt, 60 x 70 x .02 = $84) For more dense quilting price can vary. Minimum $50.
So that thread tension can be properly tested, and for sufficient loading to longarm, backing and batting must be at least 10" bigger than quilt top to allow at least 5" top/bottom/left/right.
Press quilt well and trim stray threads.
Backing and batting can be purchased in the shop.
Let's talk about thread color, design, and density you desire.
So that thread tension can be properly tested, and for sufficient loading to longarm, backing and batting must be at least 10" bigger than quilt top to allow at least 5" top/bottom/left/right.
Press quilt well and trim stray threads.
Backing and batting can be purchased in the shop.
Let's talk about thread color, design, and density you desire.